EURINE-ACT Study Results Published in The Lancet

The results of the prospective EURINE-ACT study were published in The Lancet at 11:30pm on Thursday 23rd July, 2020.  The study, led by Professor Wiebke Arlt (IMSR Birmingham), involved 14 specialist centres in 11 countries, and 2169 participants (recruited between 2011 and 2016).  It has been successful in validating a new urine steroid metabolomics test for earlier diagnosis of ACC.  The study recommended changes in CT imaging practice and ultimately ‘a triple test strategy of tumour diameter, imaging characteristics, and urine steroid metabolomics’ to improve Continue reading →

2016 Patient Information Event Confirmed

On Saturday 26th November 2016, ACC Support UK, in collaboration with ENS@T (the European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumours), invites all patients and carers affected by adrenocortical cancer to our second free patient information event.  There is a great opportunity to attend a series of short scientific presentations in the morning which form part of the ENS@T meeting.  Alternatively, there is a later registration option for those who wish to attend the patient sessions only.  The full day runs from 08:30-15:30 and includes lunch Continue reading →

FREE Patient Event – Saturday 14th November, Birmingham

NEWS – 21st August 2015 FREE Patient Event – Saturday 14th November, Birmingham ACC Support UK invites all patients and carers affected by adrenocortical cancer to our very first free patient information event. Speakers include, Professor Weibke Arlt (Consultant Endocrinologist, Birmingham) and Mr Radu Mihai (Consultant Endocrine Surgeon, Oxford), Mrs Kym Winter (Psychotherapist) Come along and meet others with ACC, learn about living with ACC, and quiz our medical experts. The day runs from 10am – 4:30pm and includes refreshments and lunch Further information will be Continue reading →