Monthly Archives: January 2023

Do you have a story to tell?

Patient stories are some of the most popular reads for those newly diagnosed with ACC. Some lovely people have already starred in films about ACC, but for AMEND’s* 20th anniversary, we’re aiming to include 20 written stories on a new page to be constructed on this website.   Do you have a story to tell about you and your experience of diagnosis, treatment and life with ACC? We’d love for you to write it down.   We have a template for you to use if Continue reading →

2023 Patient Information Day

AMEND’s 2023 Annual Patient Information Day, that welcomes those affected by ACC, will be held in central London, on Saturday 20th May.  Dr Cristina Ronchi from Birmingham will be there to answer all your questions on ACC, and there are plenty of other interesting sessions to participate in.  We would love to see as many of our members and friends there as possible.  For more information on the programme and local hotels, as well as to book your spaces, please visit our dedicated webpage.