What is an MDT and Why is it Important in ACC?
The care for an ACC patient can be complex. However, for the patient the journey can include not only a wide range of tests, treatments, but also a whole host of emotions and contact with many different healthcare professionals.
The very fact that there are often several treatment options from diagnosis and throughout the patient journey, means that collaboration between many key healthcare professional groups is essential in order to make the best clinical decisions for individual patients.
This type of collaboration is usually called an MDT (multidisciplinary team). MDTs are now used across the world in the care of cancer and rare disease patients.
An MDT will usually be led by a particular specialist with expertise and interest in ACC and other adrenal tumours. This specialist is commonly an endocrinologist or oncologist and is often the person that patients will see at their hospital appointments.
An ACC patient may see some or all of the following people:
- Oncologist (Cancer Specialist)
- Surgeon Endocrinologist (Hormone Specialist)
- Radiology staff (scans)
- Dietitian
- Nurse Specialist (including Macmillan Nurses)
- Palliative/Supportive Care Team
- Pain Team
- General Practitioner/Practice Nurse
- Counselling Staff
- Various Technicians
- Clinic Staff
- Hospital Staff
- Palliative/Supportive Care Team (in hospital, at home or in a hospice)
Patients can feel more confident in the knowledge that all aspects of their care have been discussed and that the best possible treatment plan will be made. An effective and experienced MDT is a very important aspect for care when striving to achieve the best quality of life and the best outcome for patients with ACC.

The Patient at the Centre of the MDT