The 2021 AMEND Research Fund Awards featured an award for ACC researcher, Dr Cristina Ronchi from the University of Birmimgham. Dr Ronchi receives £9,645 for her project entitled: Targeted DNA sequencing of circulating cell-free DNA for prognosis and surveillance of adrenocortical carcinoma. Click here to read more
The AMEND Annual Patient Information Day was held in person on Saturday 16th October, and welcomed people with a variety of different rare endocrine diseases and cancer, including ACC. It was a wonderful day of friendship and positivity, not least due to our amazing speakers, as evidenced by the superb feedback we have received. We give you a round-up of the day and some of the links that you may need. Please note that none of our sessions were recorded to protect patient privacy. “Absolutely super Continue reading →
Comparative performances of nomograms and conditional survival after resection of adrenocortical cancer BJS Open, 2021, 5(1), zraa036 Click here to read the study
Due to the continued risk from the Coronavirus pandemic, the 2021 Annual Patient Information Day has been moved from May to October. Click here for more information
We have gathered together as many useful resources as possible to help you through the 2nd wave of COVID-19. Despite working from home, our staff are all available to you as usual. Click here to learn more
We are delighted that we have received a grant from the National Lottery Emergency Coronavirus Community Fund to support our members’ free Counselling Service for the next 12 months. The service, which has no waiting list, provides personal Counselling to any registered member who’s struggling emotionally.
AMEND is undertaking a year-long study into the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of those who live with ACC in the UK. Answers to the survey are anonymous and data will be shared appropriately to help guide potential improvements in care for the future. Thank you for your help. Click here to take the survey
ACC Support recently worked with Health Awareness on the 2020 Rare Disease campaign. A printed publication was enclosed within every copy of the New Scientist and the content is available online at . The campaign featured exclusive content from key thought leaders and, discussed the impact and sign and symptoms of Adrenocortical Cancer (ACC).